Aviation Insurance Advisory

Aviation Insurance Advisory

Financial institutions and aircraft lessors need to know that their contractual interests have be accurately noted, agreed and fully protected under their clients’ aviation insurances. AVOCET provides such specialist advice, opinions and assurances.

Our detailed insurance opinions are based upon many years of experience gained in the London and international aviation insurance markets. Our clients include investment banks, aircraft lessors, aircraft investors and other financial institutions involved in aircraft and aircraft engine finance, leasing and acquisition.

In the complicated world of aviation insurance, we help to ensure that our clients’ insurable interests are protected to the fullest extent possible. Working in conjunction with major international law firms, we are often consulted on the negotiation and documentation of aircraft lease insurance clauses.

As AVOCET specialises in protecting aircraft financiers and lessors, we remain free of any potential conflicts of interest between our obligations to our aircraft finance clients and their airline clients. Being completely independent, we have gained the trust and respect of major airline insurance brokers and are able to deal with them on equally professional terms and if necessarily at the highest levels.

In summary, our insurance advisory services include:

  • Qualified aviation insurance opinions concerning insurance/reinsurance certificates and letters of undertaking
  • Independent aviation insurance advisory to aircraft financiers and lessors
  • Commentary & reports (including aviation clauses & schedules contained in aircraft finance and/or lease agreements and assignments of insurance etc)
  • Aircraft/aircraft engine portfolio and securitisation insurance audits
  • Advice concerning banks and lessors contingent hull, hull war and liability programmes
  • Advice concerning aviation war risks, political risk and aircraft non-repossession insurance
  • Aviation insurance market updates